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4 Ways Higher Education is Using Innovative Technologies in Remote Learning

Teachers, paper, and pencils — for hundreds of years, those were all the essential elements for quality higher education.

But with remote learning and the COVID-19 pandemic, universities are being pushed to constantly find innovative technologies to help them deliver high-quality education to students, no matter where those students are learning from.

Keep reading to find out four ways higher education is using cutting-edge technologies and teaching strategies to improve on remote learning.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Universities aren’t just hubs of learning — they’re hubs of data, too.

While this data is useful, the sheer quantity of it makes it difficult for human workers to understand and use it effectively. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in.

Take grading, for example. In one Georgia Tech course, an AI named Jill Watson performed administrative duties of a TA, freeing up more time for instructors to work directly with students. AI can also:

  • Help applicants navigate the admissions process with personalized resources
  • Provide just-in-time support for struggling students and boost graduation rates

AI uses machine learning to analyze large datasets and spot patterns. From those patterns, it can carry out tasks, make suggestions and remove dull, time-consuming tasks from workers. While students are learning remotely, AI can help instructors spot patterns in data and support student learning at a distance.

2. Classroom Management Tools

Whether it’s administration, personalized learning, or remote collaboration, innovative technology solutions are helping instructors spend less time on the time-consuming parts of teaching and more time connecting with students remotely.

According to a McKinsey study, 20 to 40 percent of teachers’ time is currently spent on activities that could easily be automated with existing technology, whether that’s:

  • Tools that help automate grading
  • Programs that streamline lesson planning
  • Classroom management systems for easy administration
  • Platforms that analyze student learning styles and deliver personalized learning

In a 2020 Gallup study, 81 percent of teachers saw great value in using digital learning tools in the classroom, while 57 percent believe they’re useful when it comes to personalized education. And with the switch to remote learning, effective educational technology is more important than ever.

Video platforms like Zoom and Microsoft teams have been integral to the success of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, while classroom management systems give students spaces to find resources, discuss ideas with their classmates and stay connected.

3. Flipped Classrooms

While flipped learning has been around for at least two decades, remote learning and the rise of educational technology have made it widespread and accessible.

In a flipped learning classroom, students complete learning activities at home on their own and meet for discussions, activities, and support. Instead of a classroom centred on a lecture, flipped classrooms encourage the instructor to stand aside and act as a guide for student learning, instead of the ultimate authority.

Flipped learning helps instructors make the most of limited online learning time with opportunities for high-quality face-to-face learning and independent study. While learning on their own, students can use materials like podcasts, diagrams, readings, videos, and more to absorb information.

New innovations in educational technology empower instructors to create and source these materials for their students, building customized learning experiences that deepen engagement and understanding. With the right educational technology, instructors can:

  • Host learning materials online
  • Create and distribute their own videos
  • Encourage classroom engagement through online quizzes, labs, small groups, or discussion boards

While flipped classrooms aren’t for everyone, they’re a unique solution that can boost student engagement and achievement, whether through in-person or remote instruction.

4. Continuous Learning and MOOCs

The fastest way for higher education to innovate is to realize that just because students graduate with a degree, doesn’t mean they’re done learning.

The meteoric rise of online learning, combined with a trend towards remote work, has led some experts to theorize that higher education could move towards a subscription-based model instead of a degree. Using online learning technology and AI supports, students could pick and choose the courses they’re interested in to build their own programs of study and further their careers.

AI technology has also made it easier to run Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), where any student can benefit from educational access at a low cost. Institutions like Stanford University and the University of Toronto offer large-scale classes students can pick and choose from based on their interests and career goals.

Not only does this help tailor education to what learners need, but it also provides equitable education access that’s more accessible and, in theory, less expensive for students. Plus, access to education from anywhere means universities can provide students with a wide range of expertise from business experts, thought leaders, and academics.

What’s Next for Innovative Technologies in Higher Education?

Pre-pandemic, higher education could see change coming on the horizon. Thanks to online learning, innovations in higher education like AI, flipped learning, classroom management tools and MOOCs have encouraged institutions to meet students where they are and lean into future-proof technologies.

The change can be overwhelming, but also exciting. What will be next for higher education? And how can you use emerging technology to continuously support students? Regularly examine your own practices to find new ways of leveraging cutting-edge technology in your own classroom.

24 January 2022