Customer service

Contact McGraw Hill Canada

Fax: 647-475-8831 
Phone: 1-800-565-5758  
Main Switchboard: 1-800-245-2914  
Email: [email protected] 


Monday to Friday: 
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST

Mailing Address

145 King St West 
Suite 1501 
Toronto, ON M5H 1J8 

Return Shipping Address

C/O McGraw Hill 
Fedex Supply Chain 
95 Market Drive 
Milton, ON 
L9T 4Z7

Get started by making a selection below:

Check Order Status

Please check details from your order confirmation email to look up your Order Status online.

Invoice Automation

Request electronic invoices sent by Bill to Account.
Our Customer Service Department will confirm the change to your account by email so you can receive your invoices faster.


To request files for students with disabilities, and for information on our accessibility plan, processes, or to provide feedback related to accessibility, visit our Accessibility page.

Permission Request

Request permission to reprint or photocopy material from a McGraw Hill product, in print or electronic format, or request permission for College/University instructors to post supplementary instructor resources on password protected course sites.

Defective Policy

Applies to products with manufacturing defects such as printing issues.  All defective products should be reported within 10 days of receipt to our Customer Service Department.

Returns Policy

This policy applies to print books, packages, kits and multimedia. All other products are non-returnable unless otherwise noted, for more information, view our full Returns Policy.

Review or Exam Copies

McGraw Hill Canada may provide complimentary digital access for review to selected candidates pending qualification by one of our representatives.

Out of Print

Out of Print (OP) product will be accepted for full return if received within 90 days of being declared OP. After 90 days, credit will not be issued and product will not be returned to the customer.