Modern Advanced Accounting In Canada
CHAPTER 2 Investments in Equity Securities
CHAPTER 3 Business Combinations
CHAPTER 4 Consolidation of Non-Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
CHAPTER 5 Consolidation Subsequent to Acquisition Date
CHAPTER 6 Intercompany Inventory and Land Profits
CHAPTER 7 (A) Intercompany Profits in Depreciable Assets (B) Intercompany Bondholdings
CHAPTER 8 Consolidated Cash Flows and Changes in Ownership
CHAPTER 9 Other Consolidation Reporting Issues
CHAPTER 10 Foreign Currency Transactions
CHAPTER 11 Translation and Consolidation of Foreign Operations
CHAPTER 12 Accounting for Not-for-Profit and Public Sector Organizations
The10th edition is 100 percent compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), not only with regard to the typical advanced accounting topics of business combinations and foreign currency transactions, but also for the topics studied in intermediate accounting and other courses. It also contains the reporting requirements for private enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. All of the extracts from financial statements are taken from Canadian entities.
Emphasis on the direct approach of preparing consolidated financial statements along with the "building block" development of the basics of consolidations has been maintained.
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DATA ANALYTICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Ensure that students have both the conceptual understanding of the impact of DAIS, as well as the opportunity to apply those skills using various assessments within Connect—and almost all are auto-gradable!
Herauf has the following assets available in Connect:
- Applying Tableau: These exercises are auto-gradable in Connect and help students develop in-demand skills in analyzing and interpreting data and effectively communicating findings. Students will be provided with data as well as step-by-step instructions to build a dashboard using Tableau software. Over the course of these exercises, students will gain both financial insights as well as confidence in telling the story of data through visualization software.
- Applying Power BI: These exercises will introduce and teach students to drive better business decisions by analyzing data for insights via Microsoft‘s Power BI software. Power BI aims to provide interactive visualizations, business intelligence capabilities, and supports users’ ability to gain deeper data insight. Users create their own reports and dashboards, harnessing data to tell a compelling business story.
Enhancements to the END-OF-CHAPTER materials:
- 13 new review questions and all review questions were reordered by learning objective.
- Cases and problems have been reordered based on length and complexityAt least 2 cases per chapter are either new or revised. There are 5 to 7 cases per chapter.
- Three new financial statement analysis problems involving Canadian companies. Nine of the problems involve new companies and six of the problems are updated to the most recent financial statements.
- On average, 4 new problems have been added and 4-5 problems have been revised for each chapter.
- Many names of individuals and companies have been changed to make them more diverse and inclusive.
- The number of algorithmic problems with up to 25 versions of end-of-chapter problems has been increased to 7 to 10 problems per chapter.
CURRENT: Herauf/Mbagwu is recognized as the most current and technically accurate advanced accounting text on the market today. The resource reflects standards expected to be in effect as of January 1, 2023, based on standards approved by the IASB or on exposure drafts that were outstanding as of December 31, 2021. Every effort has been made to illustrate and explain the requirements of the standards current at the time of publication, anticipating how these might change, what the effects of the changes will be, and what they will mean to the industry, professionals, and students.
DIRECT APPROACH. Emphasis on the Direct Approach of preparing consolidated financial statements along with the “building block” development of the basics of consolidations has been maintained and strengthened. The working paper approach is illustrated in Chapters 3 through 5, in either the body or the appendices.
CRITICAL THINKING. Herauf/Mbagwu guides students in developing critical thinking skills by explicitly examining the variables that companies consider when evaluating their options and the criteria that accountants use to make choices. Opportunities to practice judgement are provided in the problems and case material which accompanies each chapter.
PROBLEM MATERIAL. Herauf/Mbagwu provides a variety of End-of-Chapter material including Cases and Problems, that allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained from the chapter. Excel worksheet files are available online to support the use of the working paper approach for 14 self-study problems and 17 end-of-chapter problems.
STUDENT FRIENDLY APPROACH. The student friendly presentation of advanced accounting topics has been well received by instructors and students and has been carried into the 10th edition.
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