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Hear what faculty are saying about our digital learning solutions

McGraw Hill Digital Faculty Consultants share their success stories.

Curious to know what your peers have to say about using McGraw Hill digital learning solutions in their course? Our Digital Faculty Consultants are a network of passionate educators—just like you—who have experienced success in the classroom using our technology and products. To learn more, check out their stories.

Business & Economics

Rita Cossa

McMaster University

Business Environment & Organization

Before implementing Connect in her Business Environment & Organization course, Professor Rita Cossa found that students often arrived to class without having completed the assigned chapter readings. This meant that a majority of class time was spent on covering course content, rather than moving onto more important topics such as Canadian and global current events.

Cameron Gall

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Micro and Macroeconomics  

As SAIT’s school of business program grew, the program’s Micro and Macroeconomics courses needed to change to meet increasing demand. Previously, each economics instructor managed their courses independently with the only crossover being the final exam. There was also a concern about students falling behind and needing to drop the course due to a lack of time-management and understanding of materials.

James Hall

Algonquin College

Business Computer Applications

Before choosing SIMnet for his Business Computer Applications course, Professor James Halls found other applications were difficult to use and often glitchy. He found that simulation questions provided by his former application were prone to errors and it was difficult for him to add extra time to activities for individual students.

Sonja Johnston

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Prior to adopting Connect in her Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management course, Professor Sonja Johnston was looking for a resource that provided students with effective homework and quizzes as well as allowing for auto-grading and integration with her Learning Management System (LMS). This would allow for instruction time to be focused more on coaching and supporting students for their applied projects rather than marking.

David Kraichy

University of Saskatchewan

Human Resources Management

Before the use of Connect, Dr. Kraichy was concerned that students were not engaging with course material until shortly before exams, leaving students stressed and sometimes unprepared for their assessments.

Brandy Mackintosh

University of Saskatchewan

Introductory Financial Accounting

Professor Brandy Mackintosh believes accounting is a subject that is best learned by doing. She constantly stresses the importance of practice and the role it plays in becoming successful on accounting assignments and exams to students in her Introductory Financial Accounting course.

Robert McKeown

York University  

Introductory Mathematics for Economics

Before using ALEKS, Professor Robert McKeown found that first-year students in his Introductory Mathematics for Economics course suffered from low retention rates due to poor performance in mathematics. Students entering the course struggled with calculus because they were not sufficiently skilled in algebra and other pre-calculus topics.

Course Material in Use: ALEKS Prep for Calculus with Limits

Dr. Felipe F. Rodrigues

King’s University College

Operations Management  

In Dr. Felipe Rodrigues’s experience, he has found that Operations Management is a course that most students struggle to relate to, either because they feel like it’s part of engineering, or because they assume it is exclusive to manufacturing, which they are unfamiliar with. He needed a learning solution that would make operations content relatable and therefore easier to learn. 

Course Material in Use:

Practice Operations

Nicole Rourke

St. Clair College

Introduction to Canadian Marketing/ Multi-Media Sales Presentations  

Before using Connect, Professor Nicole Rourke found the task of marking individual assignments very time-consuming with such a large class size. She needed a resource with a variety of online auto-graded homework assignments and quizzes so she could be more efficient and spend less time grading.

Lewis Stevenson

Brock University

Personal Finance

Before using Connect, Professor Lewis Stevenson found it challenging to consistently get students to read the course content before class. It was difficult to find an education technology that provided feedback to students as they progressed through their readings and assigned work. Luckily, he found a resource that offered him exactly the tools he needed: Connect.

Course Material in Use: Kapoor, Personal Finance, 8ce

Margaret Strawbridge

Conestoga College


Before adopting Connect into her Sales course, Professor Margaret Strawbridge found that students rarely read the assigned course material, missing out on many key concepts and terminology that were important to the sales process. Students came to class unprepared, and the majority of class time was required for covering basic topics, rather than more engaging discussions of how to apply concepts and practicing skills.

Ryan Vatanchi

Fanshawe College

HRIS Data & Enquiry, Software Applications for HR Professionals, Information Management

Before deciding to use SIMnet in his Human Resource Management courses, Ryan Vatanchi found that students tended to lack the technical skills required to be successful and that he did not have the necessary practice examples to help them gain those skills.

Humanities, Social Science, & Languages

Fanny Boulesteix

Douglas College

Basic French

Before implementing Connect in her Basic French courses, Professor Fanny Boulesteix found that students often came to class unprepared, causing valuable class time to be spent reviewing assigned material rather than teaching new content. She also found that assigned homework took a lot of time to manually mark and that because of this time constraint, she had limited time to track student progress as often as she would have liked. Connect offered an effective solution to both of these challenges. 

Course Material in Use: Terrell, Deux Mondes, 8ce

Melanie Doyle

Dawson College

Introduction to Psychology

Before using Connect, Professor Melanie Doyle found it challenging to get students to complete the assigned readings before coming to lectures. As a result, class participation and discussion became difficult, and often in-class activities needed to be altered on the fly. These constant changes to course content only served to reinforce the notion that students didn’t need to be ready for class ahead of time and penalized the students who actually came to class having completed the homework.

Amalia Kartsonas

Conestoga College

Stakeholder Management

Before implementing Connect in her Stakeholder Management course, Professor Amalia Kartsonas struggled with the manual entry required for multiple-choice, true/false, and written essay questions in her assessments. It was difficult to develop question pools because of the labour involved to maintain them. She also found the student progress reports very basic on previously used platforms.

Sun-Young Kim

McGill University

Introductory German

When reviewing online teaching and learning platforms for her Introductory German course, there were many important factors that Dr. Sun-Young Kim considered. Any platform she considered adopting had to be user-friendly with a variety of activities in an online workbook and the ability to integrate her own material. She also wanted the tool to be adaptable for her students’ specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Finally, she wanted the resource to be cost-effective so that her students could afford it. Luckily, Dr. Kim found all these criteria were met by McGraw Hill’s digital learning solution, Connect.

Course Material in Use: Tschimer, Kontakte, 9e

Cathy Mondloch

Brock University

Life-span Development

Before using Connect, most students arrived to Professor Cathy Mondloch’s class unprepared, having not read the text or thought about the material. This made it hard to ensure that class time was interesting as it required spending too much time on the basics, to the frustration of those who did prepare. A significant amount of in-class time was also being spent testing students and Professor Mondloch found it difficult to keep students engaged with material and see its application in daily life.

Course Material in Use: Santrock, Life-Span Development, 1ce

Kimberly Sutherland

Douglas College

Basic French I & II; Intermediate French I & II 

Before implementing Connect into her Basic French and Intermediate French courses, Dr. Sutherland had difficulty engaging students to complete their twice weekly class material practice assignments involving written and listening components. She also found she had limited time available to manually correct these practical assignments.

Course Material in Use: Terrell, Kontakte Deux Mondes, 8e

Eileen Gaetz

Bow Valley College

Business Communication

Prior to implementing Connect into her classroom, Professor Eileen Gaetz found that less than half of her students were purchasing their course materials. Because of this, few students were reading the chapters she assigned and were coming to class unprepared and fully dependent on the instructor to explain content. This left limited class time for students to work on assignments and for her to provide the one-on-one help that some students needed. Many students remained after lecture looking for extra help, which added more pressure for Professor Gaetz and her fellow instructors.

Science, Engineering, & Math

Dr. Andrea Pepper

St. Clair College

Anatomy & Physiology

Before implementing Connect, Dr. Andrea Pepper struggled to build her course herself using other online platforms and material. She also found it difficult to encourage students to register for courseware properly. Other platforms required a lot of manual set-up on her part.

“The biggest reason why I would recommend SIMnet is that it can take you into a new 21st century of course delivery, allowing you to better engage students and successfully meet learning objectives.”

Liz McLean: Computer Applications Instructor at St. Lawrence College

“Practice Operations makes operations management tangible, so it is an ideal tool for experiential learning. Once exposed to it, students get a better sense of the many moving parts of OM and better appreciate the concepts covered.”

Filipe Fontes Rodrigues: Operations Management Instructor at King’s University College

“I no longer lecture the chapter because I know students are reading the material before class. This allows me to spend more in-class time clarifying any concept gaps student may have through activities and labs. Overall, I’ve found this leads to a richer learning environment, resulting in better student learning outcomes.”

Melanie Doyle: Introduction to Psychology Instructor at Dawson College

“Connect is a user-friendly tool with activities that help students practice grammatical concepts and vocabulary in diverse ways. Students who complete these activities on a regular basis retain the material well and are successful.”

Sun-Young Kim: Introductory German Instructor at McGill University

“I am finding that students are more prepared for in-class quizzes and exams than without the on-line practice. The General Ledger questions are especially effective and are a great way for students to see how systems work in the real world.”

Brandy Mackintosh: Introductory Financial Accounting Instructor at University of Saskatchewan

Instructor talking to studentsInstructor talking to students

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Computer Applications

Computer Applications
